Hi Ionut,
Not sure if the 'community' image is a bug, but based on my understanding. The image must be accessible by Nova/Heat to rebuild the instance by the Magnum auto healer.
After changed the image back to public, the cluster should be repairable. The error you're seeing "Updating a cluster when status is "UPDATE_FAILED" is not supported", I guess it's not reported by the repairing action, but the health status update action. They are different.
You can manually fix the cluster by a manual resize for the
cluster. For example, if you have 3 worker nodes at this moment,
then you can just try command 'openstack coe cluster resize
<clusterID> 3' to do a "fake" resizing. Then the cluster
will be updated to the correct status. Hope that help.
Hi guys,
I wanted to "decommission" the old stable fedora-coreos-32 from my catalog and I marked the image with community instead of public. That's how the nova team suggested that old images should be decommissioned .
A cluster deployed with that image had a node shutdown and magnum healer tried to resolve the issue and now the status of the cluster is in error with:faults | {'default-master': "Resource UPDATE failed: resources[0]: resources.kube_masters.Property error: resources.kube_node_volume.properties.image: Error validating value 'fedora-coreos-32-x86_64': No images matching {'name': u'fedora-coreos-32-x86_64'}.", 'default-worker': "Resource UPDATE failed: resources[0]: resources.kube_masters.Property error: resources.kube_node_volume.properties.image: Error validating value 'fedora-coreos-32-x86_64': No images matching {'name': u'fedora-coreos-32-x86_64'}."} |
In the mean time I have marked the image as public and started the node but the healer cannot fix it and it's the status is still in error.
Magnum api has an exception in the logs:magnum.common.exception.NotSupported: Updating a cluster when status is "UPDATE_FAILED" is not supported
openstack coe cluster show:
What's the right path to fix this issue?--
Ionut Biru - https://fleio.com
-- Cheers & Best regards, Feilong Wang (王飞龙) ------------------------------------------------------ Senior Cloud Software Engineer Tel: +64-48032246 Email: flwang@catalyst.net.nz Catalyst IT Limited Level 6, Catalyst House, 150 Willis Street, Wellington ------------------------------------------------------