On 3/15/24 19:45, Dmitriy Rabotyagov wrote:
Hey folks,
I was looking into a way to make both Horizon and Skyline work at the same time, and found out that I'm not really able to make Skyline to run in sub-URL.
So for instance the plan was to place Horizon under /horizon (which is easily doable) and then Skyline under /skyline. However so far I haven't found any setting or anything that would allow me to do so. Basically, I've realized that static content is _really_ static, which means it does have hardcoded URIs: https://opendev.org/openstack/skyline-console/src/branch/master/skyline_cons...
So either I'm just not realizing the very simple technique which allows to overcome hardcoded in static files URIs (like some rewrite?), or just serving Skyline from a subdirectory is not possible by design...
Would be great if someone could share their experience about Skyline and if anyone managed to do what I'm looking for.
Thanks in advance
On top of this, I'd like to add that, from a package maintainer perspective, it is a no-go to hardcode /static. Applications are supposed to live *not* at the root of web servers (so they can co-exist with other web applications installed in the system). Cheers, Thomas Goirand (zigo)