Thanks for opening this up, Jens; and thanks Chris and Matt for crisping up the ask.
what have you done in the last six months to demonstrate that you're not only available but helping, or better yet, leading to push the bigger things we're working on as a team, which could be stuff from our cycle themes [1] or the less tangible stuff like the placement extraction work, and how do you plan to continue that for the next six months?
In my view, the main [1] vehicle of progress in Nova is Placement. I have been working tirelessly for the past six (or 18) months to help shape Placement into being able to support major Nova use cases; and I have been working likewise in Nova to take advantage of that functionality. For quite a while, Placement was adding features far faster than Nova could use them. Around Queens, we started putting a bunch of framework in Nova to *prepare* for making use of things like nested providers [2][3], but it has only been in Stein that Nova features have been implemented which actually use them. This includes VGPU, which prompted the reshaper effort [4]; and bandwidth resource providers [5], a huge multi-project multi-cycle effort that is finally landing. This is just the tip of the iceberg. We have a lot of "Placement exploitation" work remaining, including (not a complete list, and in no particular order): - Making sharing providers work. Famously, if your host's root disk resource lives on shared storage, the reporting of the amount of disk in your cloud is wrong by a factor of <number of hosts sharing that storage>. This was one of the main reasons Placement was created. We made a good effort to fix a piece of this in Rocky [6], but didn't quiite get there. This is something I'd like to see finally get some real traction in Train. - Modeling NUMA. While nested providers seem to be ideal for representing resources affined to NUMA cells, a) we haven't done it yet - hopefully [7] will be a solid step in that direction; and b) there are still some design gaps, such as inter-provider affinity, that we have discussed repeatedly but never closed on. I would like to be able to move those forward and break the "analysis paralysis". - Accelerators, or more generally, "PCI Passthrough should DIAF". We're reaching tentative tentacles into representing accelerators in Placement (cf. VGPUs above), but a more generic and far-reaching solution is called for. I want to push for the adoption of Cyborg - another thing we've discussed several times and needs the thrash cycle broken - as a big step in that direction. Hopefully the above goes some way toward exemplifying my record of and commitment to: - Past: Making Placement and Nova ready for... - Present: Significant progress on real features; and - Future: Breaking the cycle of design churn to make forward progress. This is really important. Some problems are hard, and don't have perfect solutions. We need to be able to reach a consensus (which often does *not* mean unanimous agreement) on which imperfect solution is least painful and DO IT. Thanks, Eric [1] obviously not the only; lots of the priority/themed work such as cells touches Placement marginally or not at all [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]