On 12/7/21 11:20 AM, Kamil Madáč wrote:
I would like to ask, how to update OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hostname via openstack CLI? We changed hostnames on bunch of instances, but metadata service still serves old hostname which causes that every future rebuild of instance reverts hostname (`hostname` command in instance console) back to old one.
Kamil Madáč /Slovensko IT a.s./
Looks like what you want to do is disable cloud-init editing of your VM hostname. This is done simply by cloud-init to stop doing this. Simply edit /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg and set: preserve_hostname: true or remove any cloud-init module from the "cloud_init_modules:" list. Simply remove the lines containing: - set_hostname - update_hostname - update_etc_hosts I hope this helps, Cheers, Thomas Goirand (zigo)