
 I'm having a problem with launching a volume that already exists. I'm not finding any indication why DiskFilter is saying there's not enough disk space available.
This is not a new system, it's been in use for over a year and has more than 20 VM's running on it already. Creating a volume (either from image or from install iso) is my normal way of creating instances, so this isn't anything I haven't done many times.

Any ideas on why or what debugging steps I can take would be appreciated.

Here's the error from nova-scheduler.log

2022-03-21 15:20:22.021 16602 INFO nova.filters [req-f8909a62-723d-4128-9e68-2fe445fa861d a676762eea994d08a7ce018c3ccbb0b8 1ab386267c2b4c969d551ea763c906dc - default default] Filtering removed all hosts for the request with instance ID '59dfe21d-c527-4fd7-ad50-39c144af93fc'. Filter results: ['RetryFilter: (start: 1, end: 1)', 'AvailabilityZoneFilter: (start: 1, end: 1)', 'RamFilter: (start: 1, end: 1)', 'DiskFilter: (start: 1, end: 0)']

vgs (yes, i know... LVM) shows plenty of space, as well

 VG             #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize  VFree
  centos_stack2    1   3   0 wz--n- 74.00g     0
  cinder-volumes   1  51   1 wz--n- <9.10t <3.64t

openstack says:
| Field                          | Value                                 |
| attachments                    | []                                    |
| availability_zone              | nova                                  |
| bootable                       | true                                  |
| consistencygroup_id            | None                                  |
| created_at                     | 2022-03-21T15:44:44.000000            |
| description                    | root disk for rh8.3 vm                |
| encrypted                      | False                                 |
| id                             | 3a2aab97-d49d-431c-824d-5fbdcac40fa3  |
| migration_status               | None                                  |
| multiattach                    | False                                 |
| name                           | rhel83-str-root                       |
| os-vol-host-attr:host          | stack2.xxxx@lvm#lvm    |
| os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat | None                                  |
| os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id | None                                  |
| os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id   | 1ab386267c2b4c969d551ea763c906dc      |
| properties                     |                                       |
| replication_status             | None                                  |
| size                           | 80                                    |
| snapshot_id                    | None                                  |
| source_volid                   | None                                  |
| status                         | reserved                              |
| type                           | iscsi                                 |
| updated_at                     | 2022-03-21T19:20:20.000000            |
| user_id                        | a676762eea994d08a7ce018c3ccbb0b8      |

Alan Davis
Principal System Administrator
Apogee Research LLC
Office : 571.384.8941 x26
Cell : 410.701.0518