So there's no default value assumed/set for hw:mem_page_size for each flavor? Yes is critical when using hw:numa_nodes=1. I did not hit an issue with 'hw:mem_page_size' not set, maybe I am missing some known test cases? It would be very helpful to have a test case where I could reproduce this issue with 'hw:numa_nodes=1' being set, but without 'hw:mem_page_size' being set. How to ensure this one for existing vms already running with 'hw:numa_nodes=1', but without 'hw:mem_page_size' being set? On Wed, May 10, 2023 at 1:47 PM Sean Mooney <> wrote:
if you set hw:numa_nodes there are two things you should keep in mind
first if hw:numa_nodes si set to any value incluing hw:numa_nodes=1 then hw:mem_page_size shoudl also be defiend on the falvor.
if you dont set hw:mem_page_size then the vam will be pinned to a host numa node but the avaible memory on the host numa node will not be taken into account
only the total free memory on the host so this almost always results in VMs being killed by the OOM reaper in the kernel.
i recomend setting hw:mem_page_size=small hw:mem_page_size=large or hw:mem_page_size=any small will use your kernels default page size for guest memory, typically this is 4k pages large will use any pages size other then the smallest that is avaiable (i.e. this will use hugepages) and any will use small pages but allow the guest to request hugepages via the hw_page_size image property.
hw:mem_page_size=any is the most flexable as a result but generally i recommend using hw:mem_page_size=small and having a seperate flavor for hugepages. its really up to you.
the second thing to keep in mind is using expict numa toplolig8ies including hw:numa_nodes=1 disables memory oversubsctipion.
so you will not be able ot oversubscibe the memory on the host.
in general its better to avoid memory oversubscribtion anyway but jsut keep that in mind. you cant jsut allocate a buch of swap space and run vms at a 2:1 or higher memory over subscription ratio if you are using numa affinity. and
are also good to read
i do not think stephen has a dedicated block on the memory aspect but covers some of the probelem that only setting hw:numa_nodes=1 will casue.
if you have vms with hw:numa_nodes=1 set and you do not have hw:mem_page_size set in the falvor or hw_mem_page_size set in the image then that vm is not configure properly.
On Wed, 2023-05-10 at 11:52 -0600, Alvaro Soto wrote:
Another good resource =)
On Wed, May 10, 2023 at 11:50 AM Alvaro Soto <> wrote:
I don't think so.
~~~ The most common case will be that the admin only sets hw:numa_nodes and then the flavor vCPUs and memory will be divided equally across the NUMA nodes. When a NUMA policy is in effect, it is mandatory for the instance's memory allocations to come from the NUMA nodes to which it is bound except where overriden by hw:numa_mem.NN. ~~~
Here are the implementation documents since Juno release: ?
On Wed, May 10, 2023 at 11:31 AM hai wu <> wrote:
Is there any concern to enable 'hw:numa_nodes=1' on all flavors, as long as that flavor can fit into one numa node?
Alvaro Soto
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