Sorry, I resend this email because I realized that I lacked of prefix on this email's subject
I would like to use Masakari and I'm having trouble finding a step by step or other documentation to get started with. Which part should be installed on controller, which is should be on compute, and what is the prerequisite to install masakari, I have installed corosync and pacemaker on compute and controller nodes, , what else do I need to do ? step I have done so far:
- installed corosync/pacemaker
- add masakari in to mariadb
here is my configuration file of masakari.conf, do you mind to take a look at it, if I have misconfigured anything?
enabled_apis = masakari_api
# Enable to specify listening IP other than default
masakari_api_listen = controller
# Enable to specify port other than default
masakari_api_listen_port = 15868
debug = False
# The paste configuration file path
api_paste_config = /etc/masakari/api-paste.ini
www_authenticate_uri =
http://controller:5000auth_url =
http://controller:5000auth_type = password
project_domain_id = default
user_domain_id = default
project_name = service
username = masakari
password = P@ssword
connection = mysql+pymysql://masakari:P@ssword@controller/masakari