On Fri, 2021-06-25 at 12:10 +0100, Stephen Finucane wrote:
Happy Friday (again),
Following on from my earlier email regarding os-vif stable branch permissions, I'd like to once again propose that we add nova-core to the list of teams with +2 rights on nova stable branches. Unlike the os-vif change, this has been discussed extensively in the past, most recently during the Victoria PTG [1] (search for "Can we add nova-core to nova-stable-maint") and therefore carries a little more baggage with it.
Last time we discussed this, there were concerns from some existing stable cores that not all of nova-core were sufficiently well acquainted with stable branch policy and it was suggested that review velocity was sufficient. However, the stable team has remained pretty stable (heh) over the last couple of cycles and is staffed with developers with ample experience of both nova itself and the backport policies of nova and OpenStack as a whole. In addition, we continue to have a long tail of open stable reviews [2] from various people. The stable branches are increasingly important for users and organizations alike, and a faster, smoother backport policy encourages people to have an upstream-first mentality when it comes to maintaining a product built on these branches. The alternative is to handle these backports in a downstream-first or downstream- only manner, which results in duplication of effort and, over the long-term, potential difficulties keeping downstream and upstream in-sync.
I think the time has long since passed where we should remove the artificial barrier that exists here. I expect all nova cores will have the maturity and sensibility to ask questions where uncertainty exists and only approve backports that they are confident and knowledgeable about. I do not expect existing stable cores will be sidelined either. Far from it, in fact. Existing stable cores will continue to be valuable both for their reviews and knowledge of the intricacies of stable policy.
I proposed a waiting period of one week before making changes to os-vif permissions, but given the history around changes to nova stable core, I think we would benefit from some additional time to assuage any concerns that may still exist. I propose that we come to a decision by 09-Aug, or two weeks from now. If necessary, we can discuss this in real-time during the nova team meeting next Tuesday.
Change proposed at [1]. As with the os-vif change, I have -W'd pending discussions. Stephen [1] https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/798077
Cheers, Stephen
[1] https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-victoria-ptg [2] https://review.opendev.org/q/project:openstack/nova+NOT+branch:master+is:ope...