Hello fellow zorillas,

It has been a long time since I started to hope every day I'd able to dedicate more time to manila core activities and so far that hasn't happened and I don't see it happening in the near foreseeable future. I had been following the meetings notes weekly until ~2 months ago but I recently ended up dropping those as well.

Therefore I am stepping down from the manila core role. I would like to thank everyone that I worked closely with from 2014 to 2019 on this project. I hold this project and all of you dear to my heart and I am extremely glad and grateful to have worked with you and met you on summits/PTGs, as the life memories around Manila are among the best I have from that period.

If someday circumstances change, the manila project and its community will be ones I will be very happy to go back to working closely with again.

Kind regards,
Rodrigo Barbieri
MSc Computer Scientist