Hi all,

This is a follow up to send feedback to all of core teams  (Nova, Neutron, Cinder, Keystone, Glance) + (Swift) + (Add-ons DNS  Designate & Orchestration Heat). This was the patch which Mark submitted to kickstart the next refstack test for https://www.openstack.org/brand/openstack-powered/

A. We need to decide on content for "OpenStack Powered DNS" and "OpenStack Powered Orchestration" to this site 


Community Reporting - Should start seeing program staring 2020.06 new ones  and please let us know when you have something to share for Ussuri


B. We need Marketplace Vendors to validate their OpenStack Powered offers for Ussuri and send emails which we will discuss at tomorrows meeting.

C. Meeting will be on irc  Friday as usual weekly  like #openstack-interopwg @17.00 UTC Friday (PDT 10 AM)

Will plan on using zoom call after IRC logins if needed.

Agenda we will take as what was discussed at Board and follow ups to close for Usuri and plan further for committee formation for future of interop.

Prakash / Mrak/ Ghanshyam
For interopwg