HiI am Harish Kumar, Master Student at BTH, Karlskrona, Sweden. I am working on my Master thesis at BTH and my thesis topic is Performance evaluation of OpenStack with HTTP/3.
I have successfully built curl and nginx with HTTP/3 support and I am performing some commands using curl for generating tokens so i could access the services of OpenStack.
OpenStack relies with the Apache web server and I could not get any results using Nginx HTTP/3 . I would like to ask if there is any official documentation on OpenStack relying with Nginx?, I have searched in the internet reg. this info but could not get any, I would like to use nginx instead of apache web server , so I could get some results by performing curl and commands and nginx web server (with http/3 support). Please let me know and if there is any content please share with me. I hope you have understood this. It would be helpful for my Master Thesis.
Harish Kumar