During our meeting today we discussed Summit/PTG plans, and agreed to request one Forum session on scaling stories, and one PTG short meeting to replace our regular meeting that week. Meeting logs at: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/large_scale_sig/2020/large_scale_sig... TODOs: - all to contact US large deployment friends to invite them to next EU-US meeting - ttx to request Forum/PTG sessions - belmoreira, ttx to push for OSops resurrection - all to describe briefly how you solved metrics/billing in your deployment in https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/large-scale-sig-documentation - masahito to push latest patches to oslo.metrics - ttx to look into a basic test framework for oslo,metrics - amorin to see if oslo.metrics could be tested at OVH Next meetings: Sep 9, 16:00UTC; Sep 23, 8:00UTC (#openstack-meeting-3) -- Thierry Carrez (ttx)