Hi Team, I am trying to install a Ubuntu PXE setup by creating a VM in Oracle Virtual Box Manager, and also using VM created by virsh With VM created by virsh , will it work, because i am unable to copy the Yaml File content inside Ubuntu Virtual Manager server even after following the article of enabling copy/paste I am also trying to find out a solution for getting a root password in encrypted format for yaml file I am trying to create a PXE setup in VM created in Oracle Vm Virtual Box, and i am following this link, is anything wrong or you want to add because it is not working https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/netbooting-the-live-server-installer/14510 and this one i found latest https://askubuntu.com/questions/1235723/automated-20-04-server-installation-... Regards Adivya Sing On Mon, Jul 12, 2021 at 10:07 PM Adivya Singh <adivya1.singh@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi brian,
I am trying to create a PXE setup in VM created in Oracle Vm Virtual Box, and i am following this link, is anything wrong or you want to add because it is not working
and this one i found latest
Adivya Singh