On 2024-10-21 23:57:09 +0000 (+0000), Jeremy Stanley wrote: [...]
I'm hoping we can use the session tomorrow to start divvying up writing tasks and identifying which documents might be the most appropriate locations for the amassed recommendations. Everyone's welcome, but people willing to volunteer to work on some of this are even more welcome. ;)
In addition to tomorrow's PTG session on this topic, the TC devoted an hour to their role in the effort earlier today [...]
Now that people are hopefully recovered and recharged from the PTG, and settling in for quieter times as the end of the year approaches, it's a good opportunity to take stock of where we are on this effort. First, for those who missed the TC session and haven't had a chance to peruse the notes yet, https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/r.0f25532f564fb786a89cfe1de39b004b#L321 is a fairly quick read. For an even quicker summary, we had a brief (re)introduction to the overarching topic and recap of past discussion series, as well as perceived next steps. Some specific ideas were also floated like better documentation on using Matrix to access OFTC IRC, expanding on the "escalation path" suggestion from OID-NA, scheduling project review days and sharing dashboards to reduce the number of changes going unnoticed, better gate stability as a means to improve contributor experience, revisiting how strict projects need to be about testing for hardware-specific features, and making reviewers/maintainers more visible so new contributors can find and talk to them. The dedicated working session used https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/bridging-the-gap-series-4 as a breakdown of previously discussed suggestions. Each item is templated out for additional notes as guidance for volunteers to elaborate on their intended meaning, and a best guess for which parts of what existing documents seem like the most appropriate locations to add or expand on these. We talked about the obvious documents (central contributor guide, per-project contributing docs, project team guide...), but also some non-traditional ideas like resurrecting the Gerrit "WelcomeBot" or canned welcome messages and direct outreach for reviewers. We only got through a couple of items in the series 4 pad, more or less to prove out the workflow, so this is where the rest of you come in! Please take a look at the pad and, if you see a suggestion which is of particular interest to you, please help expand on it, suggest a location (or multiple locations) where it can be documented for improved visibility, and volunteer to push changes! Also feel free to follow up here with any questions or ideas you have for helping move the effort forward to bridge these gaps. -- Jeremy Stanley