---- On Mon, 07 Feb 2022 11:10:37 -0600 Ghanshyam Mann <gmann@ghanshyammann.com> wrote ----
---- On Mon, 07 Feb 2022 11:06:06 -0600 Massimo Sgaravatto <massimo.sgaravatto@gmail.com> wrote ----
Thanks Actually in the past support for user_id in the resume operation worked as expectedE.g. I have a train installation where I defined this rule in the policy.json file: "os_compute_api:os-suspend-server:suspend": "rule:admin_api or user_id:%(user_id)s",
and it works Cheers, Massimo
On Mon, Feb 7, 2022 at 5:03 PM Takashi Kajinami <tkajinam@redhat.com> wrote: Quickly checking the current code, it seems support for user_id was introduced to only suspend api[1] [1] https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/353344 I've opened a bug for nova[2] because supporting consistent rules for suspend and resumemakes clear sense to me. [2] https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1960247
On Tue, Feb 8, 2022 at 12:25 AM Massimo Sgaravatto <massimo.sgaravatto@gmail.com> wrote: Dear all
I am running a Xena installation I have modified the nova policy fail so that certain operations can be done only by the user who created the instance, or by the administratorThis [*] is my policy.yaml file.While the suspend operation works as intended (I can suspend only my instances and I am not allowed to suspend an instance created by another user) I am not able to resume an instance that I own and that I have previously suspended.I get this error: ERROR (Forbidden): Policy doesn't allow os_compute_api:os-suspend-server:suspend to be performed. (HTTP 403) (Request-ID: req-c57458bc-b1ea-4b40-a1d2-0f67608ef673)
Only removing the line: "os_compute_api:os-suspend-server:suspend": "rule:admin_api or user_id:%(user_id)s" from the policy file, I am able to resume the instance. I am not able to understand what is wrong with that policy. Any hints ?
And as long as your user belong to same project instance is booted for then you should be able to resume instance by any user of that project even you suspended it with other user of same project and user_id policy enmforcement in suspend policy. Or you suspended server with user of other project and trying to resume by other project? -gmann
I think we had the same conversation in June 2020 also[1].
Nova does not restrict the policy by user_id except keypairs API. We have kept it for a few of the destructive actions (for backwards compatibility) and intent to remove them too in future. I remember we discussed this in 2016 but I could not find the ML thread for that but the consensus that time was we do not intend to support user_id based restriction permission in the API.
This is the spec where we kept the user_id support for destructive actions and the reason.
As we are moving our policy to new defaults (with new direction), after that we should discuss to remove all the user_id enforcement support except keypair. But defiantly should not extend it for any other action.
[1] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2020-June/015273.html
Thanks, Massimo
[*] # Pause a server # POST /servers/{server_id}/action (pause) # Intended scope(s): system, project "os_compute_api:os-pause-server:pause": "rule:admin_api or user_id:%(user_id)s"
# Delete a server # DELETE /servers/{server_id} # Intended scope(s): system, project "os_compute_api:servers:delete": "rule:admin_api or user_id:%(user_id)s"
# Resize a server # POST /servers/{server_id}/action (resize) # Intended scope(s): system, project "os_compute_api:servers:resize": "rule:admin_api or user_id:%(user_id)s"
# Rebuild a server # POST /servers/{server_id}/action (rebuild) # Intended scope(s): system, project "os_compute_api:servers:rebuild": "rule:admin_api or user_id:%(user_id)s"
# Stop a server # POST /servers/{server_id}/action (os-stop) # Intended scope(s): system, project "os_compute_api:servers:stop": "rule:admin_api or user_id:%(user_id)s"
# Resume suspended server # POST /servers/{server_id}/action (resume) # Intended scope(s): system, project "os_compute_api:os-suspend-server:resume": "rule:admin_api or user_id:%(user_id)s"
# Suspend server # POST /servers/{server_id}/action (suspend) # Intended scope(s): system, project "os_compute_api:os-suspend-server:suspend": "rule:admin_api or user_id:%(user_id)s"