Fellow stackers,

Thank you for successful Xena PTG.


The PTG agenda and notes are at https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/april2021-ptg-interop-refstack



  1. Ghanshayam and Goutham are now co-chair of Interop along with Arkady
  2. Superuser article for Interop is in progress highlighting major changes to Interop program including Rfestack transitioning to Python3, support of refstack of add-on projects, and adding share file system as add-on program.
  3. Working on updated to Interop processes, and specifically no need for Board to approve new guidelines, only process changes.
    1. See https://review.opendev.org/c/osf/interop/+/787646
    2. Discuss updates to all wiki pages starting from https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/InteropWG - expect changes in Xena cycle
  4. Agreed on how we will list add-on Logo to marketplace listing
  5. Working on how to handle in automated matter in refstack admin privileges for setting up for tempest user testing, Manila in particular.
  6. Starting discussion on how to handle microiservice versions of APIs.
  7. Interlocks with all projects under interop guidelines, except Swift and Keystone.
  8. Discussed several possible add-on projects


Happy to provide more details.



Arkady Kanevsky, Ph.D.

SP Chief Technologist & DE

Dell Technologies office of CTO

Dell Inc. One Dell Way, MS PS2-91

Round Rock, TX 78682, USA

Phone: 512 7204955