Fellow stackers,
Thank you for successful Xena PTG.
The PTG agenda and notes are at
- Ghanshayam and Goutham are now co-chair of Interop along with Arkady
- Superuser article for Interop is in progress highlighting major changes to Interop program including Rfestack transitioning to Python3, support of refstack of add-on projects, and
adding share file system as add-on program.
- Working on updated to Interop processes, and specifically no need for Board to approve new guidelines, only process changes.
- See
- Discuss updates to all wiki pages starting from
https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/InteropWG - expect changes in Xena cycle
- Agreed on how we will list add-on Logo to marketplace listing
- Working on how to handle in automated matter in refstack admin privileges for setting up for tempest user testing, Manila in particular.
- Starting discussion on how to handle microiservice versions of APIs.
- Interlocks with all projects under interop guidelines, except Swift and Keystone.
- Discussed several possible add-on projects
Happy to provide more details.
Arkady Kanevsky, Ph.D.
SP Chief Technologist & DE
Dell Technologies office of CTO
Dell Inc. One Dell Way, MS PS2-91
Round Rock, TX 78682, USA
Phone: 512 7204955