Hello Gaël, thank you for giving us feedback on our Ansible modules and actually submitting a new module ☺️ We are currently lagging a bit in responses because we are trying to get release 2.0.0 of the Ansible OpenStack collection out of the door in January 2023. As part of this effort we also refactored our CI integration tests, it is more consistent nowadays but still not complete. With compute_service_info you picked our worst case, it is tested in role nova_services 😬 A relict from the past. Initially we planned to write one Ansible role per module, e.g. role project_info for openstack.cloud.project_info. But doing so produced a lot of redundant code. So during this year we changed our plan. Now we merge tests for *_info modules with their non-info equivalents. For example, tests for both modules federation_mapping and federation_mapping_info can be found in role federation_mapping. Integration tests for volume_service_info would be located in Ansible role volume_service. Instead of compute_service_info better take neutron_rbac_policies_info as an example of how to write and test *_info modules. Refactoring compute_service_info is still on my todo list 😅 Same goes for our docs on how to write modules etc. 🙈 Best, Jakob On 27.12.22 00:11, Gaël THEROND wrote:
Hi sadi,
Thanks for this feedback! I’ll wait for this patch to be merged then, no biggies as it’s currently greetings season’s so no rush xD
I’ll probably have few patches after that especially around unifying options (filtering especially) on few modules.
Thanks for the answer!
Le lun. 26 déc. 2022 à 21:06, Sagi Shnaidman <sshnaidm@redhat.com> a écrit :
Hi, Gael,
Thanks for your contribution! Currently the tox-2.12 CI job always fails, it's because of tox version 4 changes. I add a workaround in the patch https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ansible-collections-openstack/+/86860...
When it (or other solution) is merged, you're good to go with your patch. Sorry for the inconvenience .
On Sat, Dec 24, 2022 at 4:22 PM Gaël THEROND <gael.therond@bitswalk.com> wrote:
Hi ansible collections openstack team!
I finally had time to list all my issues met with the project, created few bug reports and even contributed to a patch today (minor, mainly copy/paste) however I’ve few questions regarding the CI process!
Overall, what’s the rule with the CI code testing? I’ve read the contributing guide and had an eye on previous patches to see how it’s used but I’m having a hard time to find a real unified method. For instance, it seems that some module miss CI tasks (such as compute_service_info) or did I missed something?
Thanks a lot for all the good job!
-- Best regards Sagi Shnaidman