Hello Everyone!
Congratulations on a great virtual PTG last week :)
The OpenInfra Foundation is hosting the OpenInfra Summit in Vancouver [1], June 13 -15, 2023.
We are trying to determine the level of interest among contributors to OpenInfra projects on attending a co-located PTG in Vancouver. The exact format and dates are still being determined. At this time, we are evaluating the level of interest from an attendee and employer perspective. Please complete the following poll so we can measure the level of interest and plan accordingly. Future updates will be distributed to the project mailing lists as well as previous PTG attendees. Poll: https://openinfrafoundation.formstack.com/forms/openinfra_ptg_2023As a reminder, we are also gathering feedback for the virtual PTG here: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/Oct2022_PTGFeedback
-Kendall Nelson (diablo_rojo)