On Thu, Feb 23, 2023 at 5:18 AM Ghanshyam Mann <gmann@ghanshyammann.com> wrote:
 ---- On Sun, 19 Feb 2023 18:44:14 -0800  Takashi Kajinami  wrote ---
 > Hello,
 > Currently tosca-parser is part of heat's governance, but the core reviewers of this repositorydoes not contain any active heat cores while we see multiple Tacker cores in this group.Considering the fact the project is mainly maintained by Tacker cores, I'm wondering if we canmigrate this repository to Tacker's governance. Most of the current heat cores are not quitefamiliar with the codes in this repository, and if Tacker team is not interested in maintainingthis repository then I'd propose retiring this.

I think it makes sense and I remember its usage/maintenance by the Tacker team since starting.
But let's wait for the Tacker team opinion and accordingly you can propose the governance patch.

 > Similarly, we have heat-translator project which has both heat cores and tacker cores as itscore reviewers. IIUC this is tightly related to the work in tosca-parser, I'm wondering it makesmore sense to move this project to Tacker, because the requirement is mostly made fromTacker side rather than Heat side.

I am not sure about this and from the name, it seems like more of a heat thing but it is not got beyond the Tosca template
conversion. Are there no users of it outside of the Tacker service? or any request to support more template conversions than

Current hea-translator supports only the TOSCA template[1].
The heat-translator project can be a generic template converter by its nature but we haven't seen any interest
in implementing support for different template formats.

[1] https://github.com/openstack/heat-translator/blob/master/translator/osc/v1/translate.py#L49

If no other user or use case then I think one option can be to merge it into Tosca-parser itself and retire heat-translator.


That also sounds good to me. 

Also, correcting the email subject tag as [tc].


 > [1] https://review.opendev.org/admin/groups/1f7855baf3cf14fedf72e443eef18d844bcd43fa,members[2] https://review.opendev.org/admin/groups/66028971dcbb58add6f0e7c17ac72643c4826956,members
 > Thank you,Takashi