
On 10/26/23 15:44, Miguel Casique Meneses wrote:
There is a horizon chart behaving quite strangely
version: horizon-0.3.2
To recreate the issue:
login to openstack >>
change project (using dropdown) >>
show containers (odd behaviour, such as change to old project, or lists containers from previous project) >>
show instances (odd behaviour, changes projects, or at least shows the wrong project in dropdown)
Basically, it sometimes shows the elements from the previous browsed project and not the current one that has been selected.

I had a report from a user that the network topology graph showing nodes from another project also.

I haven't had time to investigate much and I wasn't able to reproduce the issue myself.

If we reload the page, it goes back to project that has been selected, but sometimes it does not

The logs are not showing nothing relevant, but we can see when project has been swapped