Hello Everyone, Since 2023.2 devstack by default, installs things in virtual env and due to the old node was not ready in the grenade job, we disabled that with the flag GLOBAL_VENV. Now it is time to enable it in greande also. This also fixes the failure we are getting in the grenade setup for the current master (upgrade testing from stable/2024.2 -> master) which is setuptool error for projects that have pyproject.toml[1]. I have proposed the changes in granade, but at least Octavia, Ironic, and heat jobs are failing. I have proposed some fixes for these projects. - https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22grenade-venv%22 I would like to request the project to test their grenade jobs with https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/grenade/+/930507 and fix the failure if any. I would like to merge the grenade change as soon as its gate passes so that we can set up the grenade testing correctly for the current master. If any project requires a large change/more time to make their grenade jobs work in venv then you can disable the GLOBAL_VENV there for the time being and enable it once things work. [1] https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/517b21fc57d6480f902273e58f9032b5 -gmann