A quick reminder that we are in the last hours for declaring PTL and TC candidacies. Nominations are open until Aug 31, 2022 23:45 UTC. Should we find that many of the community members were off on vacation this date may get extended pushing the elections out. If you want to stand for election, don't delay, follow the instructions at [1] to make sure the community knows your intentions. Make sure your nomination has been submitted to the openstack/election repository and approved by election officials. Election statistics[2]: Nominations started @ 2022-08-24 23:45:00 UTC Nominations end @ 2022-08-31 23:45:00 UTC Nominations duration : 7 days, 0:00:00 Nominations remaining : 2 days, 5:50:21 Nominations progress : 67.95% --------------------------------------------------- Projects[1] : 52 Projects with candidates : 5 ( 9.62%) Projects with election : 0 ( 0.00%) --------------------------------------------------- Need election : 0 () Need appointment : 47 (Adjutant Barbican Blazar Cinder Cloudkitty Cyborg Designate Freezer Glance Heat Horizon Ironic Keystone Manila Masakari Mistral Monasca Murano Neutron Nova Octavia OpenStackAnsible OpenStackSDK OpenStack_Charms OpenStack_Helm Openstack_Chef Oslo Puppet_OpenStack Quality_Assurance Rally Release_Management Requirements Sahara Senlin Skyline Solum Storlets Swift Tacker Telemetry Tripleo Trove Venus Vitrage Watcher Zaqar Zun) =================================================== Stats gathered @ 2022-08-29 17:54:39 UTC This means that with approximately 2 days left, 47 projects will be deemed leaderless. In this case the TC will oversee PTL selection as described by [3]. Thank you, [1] https://governance.openstack.org/election/#how-to-submit-a-candidacy [2] Any open reviews at https://review.openstack.org/#/q/is:open+project:openstack/election have not been factored into these stats. [3] https://governance.openstack.org/resolutions/20141128-elections-process-for-...