Thanks a lot Luka for your hard and great work on Cloudkitty. Welcome Justin, I'll be really to help you as much as I can. Cheers Christophe ---- Christophe Sauthier Directeur Général Objectif Libre : Au service de votre Cloud +33 (0) 6 16 98 63 96 | | @objectiflibre Recevez la Pause Cloud Et DevOps : Le 2019-12-20 10:13, Luka Peschke a écrit :
Hi all,
I'm moving to a new position that doesn't involve OpenStack, and won't leave me the required time to be Cloudkitty's PTL. This is why I have to step down from the PTL position. jferrieu will take my position for the end of the U cycle (he's been a major contributor recently), with the help of huats, who's been the Cloudkitty PTL before me, and has been around in the community for a long time.
I've been the PTL for two and a half cycles, and I think that it is a good thing for the project to take a new lead, with a new vision.
I'm grateful for my experience within the OpenStack community.