Slawek Kaplonski wrote:
On 20 Feb 2020, at 11:33, Thierry Carrez <> wrote:
Akihiro Motoki wrote:
[...] I also would like to note that 'deprecation' does not mean we stop new releases. neutron-lbaas continued to cut releases even after the deprecation is enabled. IIRC neutron-lbaas was marked as deprecated Jan 2018 around the queens release and it was released till Stein. neutron-fwaas is being marked as deprecated, so I think we still need to release it until neutron-fwaas was retired in the master branch.
If you release it in Ussuri, then nothing needs to get done governance-wise... it's still considered a deliverable from the Neutron team.
I'd advise you to consider not releasing it in Victoria though, if we are not comfortable with its state and nobody picks it up between now and the victoria-2 milestone.
Thx. I though that we will for sure release it in Ussuri still. And it’s good idea to add such note about not releasing for Victoria if there will be still nobody to take care of it. I will add it to the deprecation warning. And in such case, I think that deprecation process which worked for LBaaS and which Nate pointed to, will be good to apply here but in Victoria cycle, not now, right?
Yes. -- Thierry