
AFAIK it's only available in tripleo. I don't know if other deployment tools have implemented it but everything can be set up manually.
What you need is at least one network/subnet per AZ for the Octavia management networks.
Then you can create Octavia availablilityzoneprofiles/availabilityzones for each pair of [compute_AZ, management_network_id] (as it is explained in the link you provided)
Each management subnet must be reachable from your control plane (from the Octavia services), Octavia needs to communicate with the VMs on those networks, and the control plane should be reachable from the VMs (they send status messages to the Octavia services).
In tripleo, there's a neutron router that attaches the management networks of the AZs to a "central" management network (in the AZ that runs the control plane). but you can also use provider networks for the connectivity.

I hope it helps.


On Wed, Mar 13, 2024 at 11:49 PM Nguyễn Hữu Khôi <nguyenhuukhoinw@gmail.com> wrote:

Is there any way to configure multi lb mnt network for amphorae instances? I am planning to design multiple AZs with separate networks for my system.

I am reading this link:


Thank you.

Nguyen Huu Khoi