Hello Zorillas and interested stackers! During the PTG week, we had a session where we discussed FIPS compatibility and compliance. In this PTG recording [1] you can see the discussion around this topic and our motivations to achieve such things for Manila. We're writing to follow up on the PTG discussion we had, and to update you on our move towards FIPS compatibility and compliance. We're aiming for manila FIPS compatibility with the Yoga cycle, meaning our CI jobs should be passing. FIPS compliance is a Z(orilla) cycle goal. For third party maintainers, to test if your code is FIPS compatible, use an image with fips enabled as discussed in [3]. In the etherpad we used in our previous discussion [2], there's a mention for some drivers that are using non-FIPS compliant libraries, and some examples of libraries that shouldn't be used. If FIPS is enabled in the controller where the driver is, and the driver is using one of the non permitted libraries, it will possibly lead the driver to malfunctioning. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us (carloss and ashrod98) in #openstack-manila. We're always here to support our community. [1] https://youtu.be/mlTx71GIp1w?t=4864 [2] https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/yoga-manila-FIPS [3] https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/state-of-fips-in-openstack-ci-yoga Thanks! ---- Carlos da Silva (carloss) Ashley Rodriguez (ashrod98)