
sorry to pick up this old post, but I faced the very same issue on multiple ocassions, but I remembered that I had this issue before and how I fixed it. But the questions still remains. I have a fresh kolla-ansible yoga magnum deployment with latest Fedora CoreOS 35 image and I always fail to deploy a K8s cluster:

kubectl get pods -A

kube-system   csi-cinder-controllerplugin-0                4/5     CrashLoopBackOff   6 (4m54s ago)   14m

I can fix it by specifying a label of:


But this only works If I use a local registry where I download plenty of container images from multipe sources.

It failed when not using a local registry since magnum tries to download the csi_snapshotter docker image from a different source:

  Type     Reason           Age                   From               Message
  ----     ------           ----                  ----               -------
  Normal   Scheduled        13m                   default-scheduler  Successfully assigned kube-system/csi-cinder-controllerplugin-0 to k8s-flannel-small-35-mi6fcba4mpdc-master-0
  Warning  NetworkNotReady  13m (x24 over 13m)    kubelet            network is not ready: container runtime network not ready: NetworkReady=false reason:NetworkPluginNotReady message:docker: network plugin is not ready: cni config uninitialized
  Normal   Pulling          13m                   kubelet            Pulling image "quay.io/k8scsi/csi-attacher:v2.0.0"
  Normal   BackOff          3m43s (x33 over 11m)  kubelet            Back-off pulling image "quay.io/k8scsi/csi-snapshotter:v4.0.1"

BTW for the local registry, It seems that the list of images needed described here:


is incomplete and outdated. I had to pull a couple more. No complaint, just mentioning it. :)

I wonder if the issue is known and if it is if there is note for it in the release notes for magnum under yoga?

I have not tried ZED yet since my OS is Rocky Linux 8.x and there seems to be now upgrade path available yet.

Cheers and a nice weekend


Am 21.10.2022 um 22:11 schrieb Stuart Whitman:
[kolla-ansible] [yoga] [magnum] [k8s]