On 5/5/20 12:15 AM, Jeremy Stanley wrote:
On 2020-05-04 23:00:11 +0200 (+0200), Thomas Goirand wrote: [...]
One of the problems is that I've added some unit tests, but they can't be launch because currently there's no Debian testing activated. Hopefully, I'll be able to work again on having Debian to gate on the OpenDev CI again, and have a colleague to co-maintain it. Does anyone have an idea on how to fix the situation before this happens? [...]
Assistance keeping the image builds working as things change in relevant distros is of course highly appreciated, and even necessary. That said, we have debian-buster and debian-buster-arm64 images currently you can run jobs on, the image updates seems to be in working order. We can probably get some debian-bullseye or debian-sid images implemented too if there's sufficient demand.
Hi Jeremy, Thanks for always being welcoming and nice, though the issue here is not really having a Buster image (or Sid, or Bullseye) in the infra. I know it's there. The problem is making puppet-openstack CI itself to work with Debian. This means that I must fully upstream my patches, including (and mainly) in the puppet-openstack-integration repository where tests are actually happening. That's a lot of work, which I currently don't have enough time for. So I keep postponing it, and just test why my local environment. The other thing which I should work on is having OCI integrated with the OpenDev CI. I believe we talked about it briefly during fossdem, not sure if you remember. Currently, testing half-manually takes a lot of my time, and I'd love to automate it fully. Though I'm having a hard time figuring out how I could do. In my current environment, I have a big machine with 256 GB of RAM, where I install 20 VMs that I can install OpenStack on. It wouldn't be hard to scale this down by half, but I hardly see how I could work with 8GB of RAM, or how I could make all of this tested. My tool includes bare-metal provisioning, where VMs are PXE-booting and receive some IPMI commands (I use ipmi_sim...). I don't know how that would work in a multi-VM thing. Cheers, Thomas Goirand (zigo)