Hi Zane,
How can I bring up the heat service.
root@aio1:/etc/systemd/system# service heat-api status
Unit heat-api.service could not be found.
root@aio1:/etc/systemd/system# service heat-api restart
Failed to restart heat-api.service: Unit heat-api.service not found.
root@aio1:/etc/systemd/system# service heat-api-cfn status
Unit heat-api-cfn.service could not be found.
root@aio1:/etc/systemd/system# service heat-api-cloudwatch status
Unit heat-api-cloudwatch.service could not be found.
root@aio1:/etc/systemd/system# service heat-engine status
Unit heat-engine.service could not be found.
Warm Regards,
Premkumar Subramaniyan
Technical staff
M: +91 9940743669