@Mario: Patch LGTM I think you can stop holding it, and I think we can propose to delete the release file on openstack/release with a depends-on https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/771488.

@Ghanshyam: Thanks for the heads-up about Tripleo.

Le mar. 19 janv. 2021 à 19:44, Ghanshyam Mann <gmann@ghanshyammann.com> a écrit :
 ---- On Tue, 19 Jan 2021 10:34:20 -0600 Marios Andreou <marios@redhat.com> wrote ----
 > On Fri, Jan 15, 2021 at 4:56 PM Ghanshyam Mann <gmann@ghanshyammann.com> wrote:
 >  ---- On Fri, 15 Jan 2021 03:07:12 -0600 Herve Beraud <hberaud@redhat.com> wrote ----
 >  > Dear QA team,
 >  > The release team noticed an inconsistency between the QA team's deliverables described in the governance’s reference and deliverables defined in the openstack/releases repo (c.f our related meeting topic [1]).
 >  > Indeed, openstack-tempest-skiplist (added Mar 20, 2020) was never released yet, was not ready yet for ussuri and victoria. maybe we should abandon this instead of waiting?
 >  > Notice that Wallaby's milestone 2 is next week so maybe it could be a good time to update this.
 >  > Let us know your thoughts, we are waiting for your replies.
 >  > Thanks for reading,
 > Thanks hberaud for brining it,
 > I did not know about this repo until it was discussed in yesterday's release meeting.
 > As per the governance project.yaml 'openstack-tempest-skiplist' is under the TripleO project, not QA [1] (tagging tripleo in sub).
 > This repo is to maintain the test skiplist so not sure if it needed release but marios or Chandan can decide.
 > [1] https://github.com/openstack/governance/blob/2bdd9cff00fb40b2f95b66cad47ae1cfd14a2f1b/reference/projects.yaml#L3069
 > -gmann
 > Thank you Herve and Ghanshyam (and thanks Chandan for pointing me to this thread!)
 > apologies for the late response but I initially missed this.
 > I just discussed a bit with Arx (adding him into cc) - he agrees this isn't something we will want or need to make releases for. It is used by CI tooling and not to do with TripleO deploying OpenStack.
 > The repo itself is branchless so if we *want* to make releases for it then we can consider adding a release file under deliverables/_independent in the releases repo.
 > However since we don't then I think we should just mark it so in governance? I posted that just now there https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/771488@Herve is that correct?

Thanks, marios for your response and updates. I also agree that this skip list repo does not need release as such.


 > regards, marios
 >  > [1] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-release/%23openstack-release.2021-01-14.log.html#t2021-01-14T17:05:23
 >  > --
 >  > Hervé BeraudSenior Software Engineer at Red Hatirc: hberaudhttps://github.com/4383/https://twitter.com/4383hberaud
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Hervé Beraud
Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat
irc: hberaud
