---- On Tue, 18 Jun 2019 17:59:11 +0900 Lee Yarwood <lyarwood@redhat.com> wrote ----
On 18-06-19 09:16:13, Lee Yarwood wrote:
Hello all,
$subject, this came up downstream after we noticed failures due to a race within the ServerShowV263Test test that I've documented in the following upstream bug:
tempest.api.compute.servers.test_servers.ServerShowV263Test only passing when image has already been cached https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/1831866
As the test itself is pretty useless without valid certs, signed images etc I'd like to make the overall feature optional within Tempest and wire up some additional configurables for anyone looking to actually test this correctly. I've received some feedback in the review but this has stalled so I wanted to see if I could get things moving again by posting to the ML.
aaaaaaaaaand I didn't include a link to the actual review, doh!
compute: Make image certificate validation a configurable feature https://review.opendev.org/#/c/663596/
Thanks for proposing the fix. I left few comments on review otherwise lgtm.
Thanks again,
-- Lee Yarwood A5D1 9385 88CB 7E5F BE64 6618 BCA6 6E33 F672 2D76