On Thu, 10 Jan 2019, Chris Dent wrote:
Now we need to make sure the document reflects not just how things are but also how they should be. We (the TC) would like feedback from the community on the following general questions (upon which you should feel free to expand as necessary).
* Does the document accurately reflect what you see the TC doing? * What's in the list that shouldn't be? * What's not in the list that should be? * Should something that is listed be done more or less?
Since nobody else is feeling inspired to respond, I'll respond to myself but whereas the original message was written with my TC hat, this one is not. Perhaps the TC is not doing what it should be doing, nor is it constituted to enable that. Since there is a significant and friction creating division of power and leadership between the TC and PTLs, what would it be like if we required half or more of the TC be elected from PTLs? Then the "providing the technical leadership" aspect of the TC mission [3] would be vested with the people who also have some responsibility for executing on that leadership. That would be like something we had before, but now there are many more PTLs.
[3] https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/charter.html#mission
-- Chris Dent ٩◔̯◔۶ https://anticdent.org/ freenode: cdent tw: @anticdent