Hi Sławek,

Please see below:

- TCConsumingOpenStack
How are you consuming OpenStack?

- TCConsumingOpenStackOther
If using other distros, please specify

- TCInteractOpenStack
How do your users interact with OpenStack?

- TCInteractOpenStackSkyline
Participation in UI is lacking in maintenance. Do you contribute in UI maintenance?

- TCInteractOpenStackSkylineList
If not, then what is the primary reason:

- TCInteractSkylineOther
If other, please specify:

- TCInteractOpenStackInternal
What library, if any, are you using to interface with OpenStack?

- TCInteractOpenStackInternalOther 
If other, please specifiy:

- TCCloudServices
What software or services in your cloud environment are enabled by OpenStack and OpenStack provisioned resources, for example: Kubernetes?


On Apr 3, 2024, at 8:24 AM, Sławek Kapłoński <skaplons@redhat.com> wrote:


I am doing analysis of the TC questions in the 2023 user survey [1] and I need some additonal information.
In the results of the survey which I some time ago got from Allison there are only short "names" of the questions, like e.g. "TCContributions" but no full question which was asked. This is ok for me for the questions which were in the survey in previous years but this year TC added couple of new questions for which I don't have full questions at all.
Short names of those questions are:
- TCConsumingOpenStack
- TCConsumingOpenStackOther
- TCInteractOpenStack
- TCInteractOpenStack
- TCInteractOpenStackSkyline
- TCInteractOpenStackSkylineList
- TCInteractSkylineOther
- TCInteractOpenStackInternal
- TCInteractOpenStackInternalOther
- TCCloudServices

Can You maybe share with me what were those full questions in the survey? Or point me to the place where I can maybe find it? Thx in advanve for help with this.

Slawek Kaplonski
Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat