Hey there, I've recently played with Config-Download in TripleO. My aim was since the begging running Ansible standalone w/o relying on Mistral. TripleO Ansible [1] can introduce drastic flexibility, IMO much needed to improve the overall experience. Now, the major road blocker I found, was in relation of Ceph-Ansible. Without the nice ansible.cfg from Mistral, it's pretty much a bit hard running Ansible standalone. Yes, manually exporting the various Ansible paths can do the trick, but down the road, more and more roles may be introduced forcing users to always discover the latest ones. For example, in my case without the original ansible.cfg, the issue was the following braking ceph-ansible. $ ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml --private-key ~/.ssh/id_rsa --become deploy_steps_playbook.yaml The error appears to be in '/home/stack/config-download/external_deploy_steps_tasks.yaml': line 13, column 13, but may be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem. The offending line appears to be: - import_role: role: ceph ^ here To solve it, I wrote this simple [2] Python script that relies on write_default_ansible_cfg from ansible in tripleo_common. The result is that, after the heat provisioning [3] I generate the config-download folder (with all its contents), the inventory and also the ansible.cfg file and ansible standalone can be executed called. You can find my templates and work at [4] What do you think about including the ansible.cfg as part of the config-download generation procedure? Cheers, Federico [1] https://docs.openstack.org/project-deploy-guide/tripleo-docs/latest/deployme... [2] https://github.com/m4r1k/nfvi_lab/blob/osp16/deployment_wrappers/write_defau... [3] https://github.com/m4r1k/nfvi_lab/blob/osp16/deployment_wrappers/005-deploy.... [4] https://github.com/m4r1k/nfvi_lab/tree/osp16