Hi all,
Thanks for all your participation! We've conducted the first meeting of venus last week and it is successful.
Here's the summary of the topics we have discussed:
*Progress in the past six months:
- Develop devstack-based deployment for venus
- Add log retrieval of modules such as vitrage
- Develop the configuration, based on which you can retrieve the chain log of the call
*Next step:
- Develop alarm task code to set threshold for the number of error logs of different modules at different times, and provides alarm services and notification services
- The configuration, analysis and alarm of Venus will be integrated into horizon in the form of plugin.
- Develop a deployment method based on kolla-ansible
- (discuss)Summarize the log specifications of some typical scenarios and develop them to venus
- Evaluate whether to collect event data (considering usage, pressure, etc.We will continue to discuss with the telemetry project team)
- Many projects's log records are not standardized, so they can only support full-text retrieval, not multi-dimensional analysis
Full discussion (PTG etherpad): [1] https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/venus-xena-ptg
Introduction of venus: [2] https://youtu.be/mE2MoEx3awM