Oh no! I forgot to restart after disabling selinux… Problem solved!
On Aug 15, 2022, at 1:05 PM, Father Vlasie <fv@spots.edu> wrote:
Hello everyone!
I am trying to deploy Openstack Ansible with Rocky Linux 8.6.
I have 3 infra nodes all running the same software/hardware specifications but the 3rd one keeps giving me the following error.
This occurs when running setup-hosts.yml
TASK [lxc_hosts : Ensure that the LXC cache has been prepared] ******************************************************************************* FAILED - RETRYING: [infra3]: Ensure that the LXC cache has been prepared (120 retries left). FAILED - RETRYING: [infra3]: Ensure that the LXC cache has been prepared (119 retries left). fatal: [infra3]: FAILED! => {"ansible_job_id": "205392349782.93369", "attempts": 3, "changed": true, "cmd": "chroot /var/lib/machines/rocky-8-amd64 /opt/cache-prep-commands.sh > /var/log/lxc-cache-prep-commands.log 2>&1", "delta": "0:00:16.353232", "end": "2022-08-15 12:59:42.058169", "finished": 1, "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "results_file": "/root/.ansible_async/205392349782.93369", "start": "2022-08-15 12:59:25.704937", "started": 1, "stderr": "", "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}
Thank you very much for any help!
Father Vlasie