On Tue, 24 Mar 2020 at 16:24, Mark Goddard <mark@stackhpc.com> wrote:
On Fri, 6 Mar 2020 at 16:39, Mark Goddard <mark@stackhpc.com> wrote:
I'd like to propose the creation of a Special Interest Group (SIG) [0] for Kolla.
The main aim of the group would be to improve communication between operators and developers.
The SIG would host regular virtual project onboarding, project update, and feedback sessions, ideally via video calls. This should remove the necessity of being physically present at Open Infra Summits for participation in the project. I like to think of this as the fifth open [1] (name TBD).
I propose that in addition to the above sessions, the SIG should host more informal discussions, probably every 2-4 weeks with the aim of meeting other community members, discussing successes and failures, sharing knowledge, and generally getting to know each other a bit better. These could be via video call, IRC, or a mix.
Finally - I propose that we build and maintain a list of Kolla users, including details of their environments and areas of interest and expertise. Of course this would be opt-in. This would help us to connect with subject matter experts and interested parties to help answer queries in IRC, or when making changes to a specific area.
This is all up for discussion, and subject to sufficient interest. If you are interested, please add your name and email address to the Etherpad [2], along with any comments, thoughts or suggestions.
[0] https://governance.openstack.org/sigs/ [1] https://www.openstack.org/four-opens/ [2] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kolla-sig
Cheers, Mark
We have had a good number of people express interest in this group. Based on feedback it will not be a SIG, but an informal group affiliated with the Kolla project.
Let's try to schedule a slot for some meetings. I've created a Doodle poll [1] with hour-long slots between 12:00 UTC and 17:00 UTC, for next week and the week after. I suggest we start with meetings every two weeks while we build momentum, but we should probably drop to once per month eventually.
The winning slot is 15:00 UTC - 16:00 UTC starting on 9th April, repeating every two weeks. I propose we use Meet for the video call, but please get in touch if this does not work for you. Meeting link: https://meet.google.com/hph-pynx-vsy I look forward to speaking to you. Mark
Cheers, Mark