---- On Sun, 01 Sep 2019 04:56:52 +0900 Slawek Kaplonski <skaplons@redhat.com> wrote ----
On 31 Aug 2019, at 16:51, Ghanshyam Mann <gmann@ghanshyammann.com> wrote:
---- On Fri, 30 Aug 2019 15:07:14 +0700 Slawek Kaplonski <skaplons@redhat.com> wrote ----
Recently in Neutron we merged patch [1] which caused error in Kolla-ansible [2]. It seems that issue happens on mariadb 10.1 which is used in broken Kolla-ansible job so I started checking what database is used on Neutron’s jobs as we didn’t found any issue with this patch. And it seems that in all scenario/api jobs we have installed mysql 5.7 - see [3] for example.
And the question is - should we maybe switch somehow to Mariadb instead of Mysql? Should it be done globally or maybe it’s only “issue” in Neutron’s CI jobs? Or maybe we should have jobs with both Mariadb and Mysql databases?
I am not sure how many projects are effected in this. But I will suggest to go for later option. You can add a new neutron job with Mariadb and if you need you can add the same in devstack gate as experimental to test the things on demand.
Thx. I will then add scenario periodic job with MariaDB. In same way like we have it done now for PostgreSQL job. I don’t want to add yet another scenario job to our check/gate queue which already have a lot of various jobs. Will it work for You?
+1 for that. Periodic jobs work perfectly here. -gmann
[1] https://review.opendev.org/#/c/677221 [2] https://bugs.launchpad.net/kolla-ansible/+bug/1841907 [3] https://2f275f27875ae066d2b6-00a9605a715176e6bd23401c23e881d7.ssl.cf2.rackcd...
— Slawek Kaplonski Senior software engineer Red Hat
— Slawek Kaplonski Senior software engineer Red Hat