On Thu, Feb 4, 2021 at 1:50 PM Ruslanas Gžibovskis <ruslanas@lpic.lt> wrote:
Hi Mauricio,
Faced similar issue. Maybe my issue and idea will help you.
First try same steps from horizon.
Second. In cli, i used same name as hypervizor list output. In most cases for me it is: $stackName-$roleName-$index.localdomain if forget to change localdomain value ;))
I hate to say I do not understand how to expand it back. I take roleName is off "openstack role list", but "openstack stack list" gives me nothing.
My faced issues were related, tah one compute can be in one zone, and multiple aggregation groups in same zone.
Note: Interesting that you use nova blah-blah, try openstack aggregate create zonename --zone zonename And same with openstack aggregate help see help how to add it with openstack.
Hope this helps at least a bit.