Hi Lukasz:

This is happening because you are using the "iptables_hybrid" firewall driver in the OVS agent. That creates a namespace where a set of iptables is defined (firewall rules) and a linux bridge, that is connected to OVS using a veth pair [1]. If you need the native plug implementation, then use the native firewall (or don't use any). That will create a TAP port directly connected to the integration bridge.



On Thu, Mar 30, 2023 at 12:11 PM Luk <skidoo@tlen.pl> wrote:

Can You share some thoughts/ideas or some clues regarding migration from linux bridge to ovs ? Does this migration is posible without interrupting traffic from VMs ?

We have now linuxbridge with l3-ha, and we noticed that for example when doing live migration of VM from linuxbridge baked compute to openvswitch compute is created
bridge... inside openvswitch, instead adding qvo device to br-int:

     Bridge brq91dc40ac-ea
        datapath_type: system
        Port qvo84e2bd98-e9
            Interface qvo84e2bd98-e9
        Port brq91dc40ac-ea
            Interface brq91dc40ac-ea
                type: internal

After removing the brq91dc40ac-ea from ovs, and hard reboot, the qvo interface is added properly to br-int:

  Bridge br-int
        Controller "tcp:"
            is_connected: true
        fail_mode: secure
        datapath_type: system
        Port qvo84e2bd98-e9             
            tag: 1
            Interface qvo84e2bd98-e9

Also, before hard reboot, there is no flow for br-int or any other openvswitch bridge regarding this VM/ip.

Does anyone have same problems ? Have tried to migrate from lb to ovs ?

Openstack version: ussuri
OS: ubuntu 20
