Hi everyone,

Sponsor sales for the Vancouver OpenDev + PTG event are now open! Below are 3 easy steps to become a sponsor:

Step 1 - Review the sponsorship prospectus 
Step 2 - Sign the Master Event Sponsorship Agreement (This step is only for companies who are sponsoring an OpenStack Foundation event for the first time)
Step 3 - Sign the OpenDev + PTG Sponsorship Agreement

Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to set up a call to talk through the sponsorship options.


Kendall Waters Perez
OpenStack Marketing & Events

On Feb 4, 2020, at 11:31 AM, Kendall Waters <kendall@openstack.org> wrote:

Hi everyone,

The sponsorship prospectus for the upcoming OpenDev + PTG event happening in Vancouver, BC on June 8-11 is now live! We expect this to be an important event for sponsors, and will have a place for sponsors to have a physical presence (embedded in the event rather in a separate sponsors hall), as well as branding throughout the event and the option for a keynote in the morning for headline sponsors. 

OpenDev + PTG is a collaborative event organized by the OpenStack Foundation (OSF) gathering developers, system architects, and operators to address common open source infrastructure challenges. OpenDev will take place June 8-10 and the PTG will take place June 8-11. 

Each day will be broken into three parts:
  • Short kickoff with all attendees to set the goals for the day or discuss the outcomes of the previous day. Think of this like a mini-keynote, challenging your thoughts around the topic areas before you head into real collaborative sessions.
  • OpenDev: Morning discussions covering projects like Airship, Ansible, Ceph, Kata Containers, Kubernetes, OpenStack, StarlingX, Zuul and more centered around one of four different topics:
    • Hardware Automation
    • Large-scale Usage of Open Source Infrastructure Software
    • Containers in Production
    • Key challenges for open source in 2020
  • PTG: Afternoon working sessions for project teams and SIGs to continue the morning’s discussions.

The sponsorship contract will be available to sign starting tomorrow, February 5 at 9:30am PST at https://www.openstack.org/events/opendev-ptg-2020/sponsors.

Please let me know if you have any questions. 


Kendall Waters Perez
OpenStack Marketing & Events

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