Hi Eric,

Friday morning sounds good to the Neutron team


On Fri, Mar 22, 2019 at 9:36 AM Dmitry Tantsur <dtantsur@redhat.com> wrote:

On 3/20/19 4:55 PM, Eric Fried wrote:
> All-
> Starting to plan for Denver, I'd like to get a feel for cross-project
> sessions involving Nova. I made a pass through the Nova etherpad [1] and
> started extracting the bits that were obvious cross-project topics with
> Neutron [2], Cyborg [3], and Placement [4]. In a couple of places where
> I wasn't sure I left `XPROJ?`.
> We usually also have cross-project sessions with Cinder and Ironic. I
> saw no obvious topics with which to seed those etherpads yet, but please
> do so as they arise. Similarly, if other project teams have topics to
> discuss with Nova, please create an etherpad and link it from the bottom
> of [1] and the wiki [5].

I've put some ideas for a potential nova-ironic discussion:

> Looking at the room schedule [6], how do folks feel about earmarking
> Friday morning for cross-project sessions? As the etherpads fill up
> we'll hopefully get a better idea of how much time to schedule for each.
> And doing it relatively early gives us time to prioritize spillover for
> Saturday if that becomes necessary.

Friday morning sounds great to me.


> <what is going on in Eric's head?>
> Why granular etherpads? I'm hoping it will be more manageable than the
> enormous monolithic etherpad we usually end up with. We often tend to
> split out some pieces on the fly anyway; just trying to anticipate the
> need. Besides, granular is my middle name.
> </what>
> Thanks,
> efried
> [1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/nova-ptg-train
> [2] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ptg-train-xproj-nova-neutron
> [3] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ptg-train-xproj-nova-cyborg
> [4] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/ptg-train-xproj-nova-placement
> [5] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/PTG/Train/Etherpads
> [6]
> https://screenshotscdn.firefoxusercontent.com/images/8c880d0a-b41e-4cea-8ff7-8f34073852ca.png?embedded=og