Hi, in an Ubuntu based (20.04) installation (Victoria) we had to change the WSGIScriptAlias from this: WSGIScriptAlias /horizon /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/wsgi.py process-group=horizon to this: WSGIScriptAlias / /usr/share/openstack-dashboard/openstack_dashboard/wsgi.py process-group=horizon There seems to be some path misconfiguration or something, I can't recall all the details. But I believe that fixed it for us. Regards, Eugen Zitat von Asma Naz Shariq <asma.naz@techavenue.biz>:
Hi Team, Can anyone help me to resolve this issue of openstack dashboard-Yoga release?
You do not have permission to access the resource:
Login as different user or go back to home page. How to resolve this issue in openstack while accessing web interface.
Can anyone guide me how to resolve this issue? when i entered the credentials to access to openstack dashboard, it display mesasge:
Something went wrong! An unexpected error has occurred. Try refreshing the page. If that doesn't help, contact your local administrator.