Hello, We have deployed Senlin clusters to manage VM health. When attempting to do rolling updates of VMs by updating the profile, the VMs go into an error state with the following error in the senlin engine logs. I've included the Heat template and OS commands. Any help would be appreciated. openstack cluster update --profile <new_profile> <senlin_cluster> cluster event show <event_d> status_reason | Failed in updating nodes. heat_template_version: 2021-04-16 description: OpenStack Heat template to deploy a Senlin autoscaling group resources: profile1: type: OS::Senlin::Profile properties: type: os.nova.server-1.0 properties: flavor: m1.small image: cirros-0.5.1 key_name: keypair networks: - network: network user_data: | #!/bin/sh echo 'hello, world' > /tmp/test_file batch_policy: type: OS::Senlin::Policy properties: type: senlin.policy.batch-1.0 bindings: - cluster: {get_resource: cluster} properties: min_in_service: 1 max_batch_size: 2 pause_time: 3 cluster: type: OS::Senlin::Cluster properties: desired_capacity: 8 min_size: 2 profile: { get_resource: profile1 } receiver_scale_out: type: OS::Senlin::Receiver properties: cluster: {get_resource: cluster} action: CLUSTER_SCALE_OUT type: webhook receiver_scale_in: type: OS::Senlin::Receiver properties: cluster: {get_resource: cluster} action: CLUSTER_SCALE_IN type: webhook outputs: receiver_scale_out: description: Webhook to scale out cluster. value: str_replace: template: curl -X POST LINK params: LINK: {get_attr: [receiver_scale_out, channel, alarm_url]} receiver_scale_in: description: Webhook to scale in cluster. value: str_replace: template: curl -X POST LINK params: LINK: {get_attr: [receiver_scale_in, channel, alarm_url]} Regards, Devin