I am using Nexentastor5.3 community edition with cinder victoria. When I try to do live migrate machine from one host to other host, the volume does deleted from nexentastor.
I see below logs in cinder logs.
2021-02-17 12:14:10.881 79940 INFO cinder.volume.manager [req-26344304-7180-4622-9915-b5f2f76ccd3e 2af528fdf3244e15b4f3f8fcfc0889c5 890eb2b7d1b8488aa88de7c34d08817a - - -] attachment_update completed successfully.
2021-02-17 12:14:20.867 79940 INFO cinder.volume.manager [req-37ff44a8-5bf9-4c4d-b114-68e6c0504859 2af528fdf3244e15b4f3f8fcfc0889c5 890eb2b7d1b8488aa88de7c34d08817a - - -] Terminate volume connection completed successfully.
2021-02-17 12:14:20.917 79940 WARNING py.warnings [req-37ff44a8-5bf9-4c4d-b114-68e6c0504859 2af528fdf3244e15b4f3f8fcfc0889c5 890eb2b7d1b8488aa88de7c34d08817a - - -] /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/evaluator.py:95: SAWarning: Evaluating non-mapped column expression 'updated_at' onto ORM instances; this is a deprecated use case. Please make use of the actual mapped columns in ORM-evaluated UPDATE / DELETE expressions.