o/ The question in $subject came up in a discussion earlier today and I neither knew the answer nor was able to discover it by looking at a service catalogs for a few production deployments I have access to (also, the multi-region feature is currently broken in DevStack and likely has been for some time). Crucially, in a "standard" multi-region deployment where there is one Keystone instances and N Nova/Cinder/Glance/Neutron/... deployments, would I have something like the below, where there is only one identity endpoint but multiple e.g. compute endpoints, or would I expect there always to be as many identity endpoints as there are e.g. compute endpoints? { "token": { ... "catalog": [ { "endpoints": [ { "id": "fb757b386a23430d8f4d636b8b45fa89", "interface": "public", "region_id": "RegionOne", "url": "", "region": "RegionOne" } ], "id": "50c4feff9d6149b898fce20ce23904a3", "type": "identity", "name": "keystone" }, { "endpoints": [ { "id": "2ed0cb59adb0415c948f8351b6546d3e", "interface": "public", "region_id": "RegionOne", "url": "", "region": "RegionOne" }, { "id": "2ed0cb59adb0415c948f8351b6546d3e", "interface": "public", "region_id": "RegionTwo", "url": "", "region": "RegionOne" } ], "id": "87322637c5ab4e7b90bea7a8c1eb9525", "type": "compute", "name": "nova" }, ... ] } } I'm guessing the latter, but I'd like to confirm this. Stephen