On 3/31/21 9:34 AM, Marcin Juszkiewicz wrote:
W dniu 30.03.2021 o 21:30, Thomas Goirand pisze:
On 3/30/21 3:20 PM, Marcin Juszkiewicz wrote:
Today, I'm already done with the packaging of all RC1 releases, and I'm already beginning to test installing them. This is 2 days after the RCs.
Are they available somewhere online so they can be tested?
Of course: either through extrepo (for example: "extrepo enable openstack_wallaby") or directly at: http://osbpo.debian.net/debian/
Look into the "dists" folder to see all what's available: at the moment, all from jessie-liberty to bullseye-wallaby.
While we are buster-wallaby ;D Move to bullseye will happen once Xena cycle opens - I waited for full freeze with it and had several other things to do.
Well, that's not how we do things in the Debian OpenStack team. We generally have one single OpenStack release which we both build for stable and stable+1. This release is Victoria. So we do have non-official repositories for Victoria under Buster and Bullseye: - buster-victoria - bullseye-victoria The reason we do that, is that we want our users to be able to switch Debian release without changing OpenStack release. Wallaby is currently pushed to Debian Experimental, and we will only be able to upload to unstable once Bullseye is released, which normally should happen before Xena. Hopefully, you guys at Linaro can align with this policy?
Again, I very much would love to collaborate and help you doing more with the Debian binary stuff for ARM. I can check are there free resources left for providing you AArch64 machine for builds.
I'm ok to do the setup, and explain how to use the box, however, someone else will have to babysit the build process: I don't want to just do it for free, with no return, when I'm not using ARM boxes myself.
Just one more thing: of course, I can do the first bootstraping to make sure we have at least Victoria + Wallaby. If you didn't know, we have a status page here: http://osbpo.debian.net/deb-status/ This isn't really official, this is more some private tooling so we know what work we need to do. (This was written by Michal Arbet and his brother Jan, both from ultimum.io.) Hopefully, we can also add ARM support there. Also, have you tried Victoria with plain Bullseye? It should work out of the box from the Debian official repositories normally... That's the good thing about this timing: there shouldn't be much to backport to an ARM specific repository since we're just after the freeze of Bullseye.
Note that I need one Jenkins builder VM per OpenStack release, and that the setup is done using Ansible.
Will ask around.
Once you have the VMs, I can make debian.net point to it. I generally setup a CNAME pointer. This is important so we can setup a letsencrypt SSL certificate for the Jenkins URLs. BTW, what kind of 1U / 2U servers would you recommend for ARM in production, for storage and/or compute workload? Cheers, Thomas Goirand (zigo)