On Sun, Apr 5, 2020 at 9:13 AM Ghanshyam Mann <gmann@ghanshyammann.com> wrote:
> What do you think about what role TC can play to solve this? What platform or entity can be used by TC to
> raise this issue? or any new crazy Idea?
I take the `make OpenStack easier to install` and `more integration with Kubernetes` the best answer I can think of.To `containerized` is the phase I plan to use here.
I know we have a lot of services that can move to container but not as friendly to container as we think it is.
We should at least build and test on container as possible as we can.
With this, we might be able to reuse some pre-build container and save significant installation time.
I think it's also a huge missing pice that we didn't allow users to have more proper
`interactive tutorial` to directly type in commands or try on the horizon like try stack.
If we can't really have time to resolve that part.
Maybe we should start to think a `one command` installed environment so the user can
try on for the first time and without learning huge knowledge base to write devstack script.
Like `openstack install`? :)
May The Force of OpenStack Be With You,
Rico Lin
irc: ricolin