Hi, thanks Bartosz for the POC and great presentation in Berlin. Thanks Ifat for championing the effort and starting the thread.
There is one issue that we need to close though – how to connect the Monasca alarms to the resources in Vitrage.
In order to connect an alarm to a resource, Vitrage should be able to identify that resource in its entity graph using the dimensions coming from Monasca. I > understood that these dimensions are configurable and not pre-defined.
Correct. To make the picture complete: every alarm contains an associated `metric name` and a set of dimensions which identify the monitored resource. Both metric name and dimensions could potentially be used in Vitrage. 1. For OpenStack services we typically use dimension keys `hostname` and `service`. Examples would be: `name`: `http_status`, `dimensions`: {`hostname`: `node1`, `service`: `keystone`, `url`: `http://node1/identity`} Libvirt metrics all have the dimension keys `hostname`, `service`=`compute`, `resource_id`=instance_id 2. For other resources I’m not sure if we can define a general rule for assignments. As you have said, the unique information may be included in more the one dimension. For Prometheus, we use labels on each metric as dimensions. Additional dimensions can be configured in agent per Prometheus endpoint. How do you assign resources for alarms from Zabbix or Prometheus datasources? Best greetings Witek From: Ifat Afek <ifatafekn@gmail.com> Sent: Dienstag, 11. Dezember 2018 10:46 To: openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org Cc: b.zurkowski@samsung.com; Bedyk, Witold <witold.bedyk@est.fujitsu.com> Subject: [vitrage][monasca] Monasca datasource for Vitrage Hi, In case you missed it, we have a POC of a Monasca datasource for Vitrage [1] ☺ Thanks Bartosz Zurkowski for the effort! There is one issue that we need to close though – how to connect the Monasca alarms to the resources in Vitrage. In order to connect an alarm to a resource, Vitrage should be able to identify that resource in its entity graph using the dimensions coming from Monasca. I understood that these dimensions are configurable and not pre-defined. Basically, there are two cases. 1. For OpenStack resources, all Vitrage needs to know is the UUID of the resource. I assume that there is always a dimension for that resource, right? Is the dimension always called the same? If not, how can Vitrage identify that this is the interesting dimension (if there are other dimensions for this alarm)? 2. For other resources it is more complicated, as they might not have a natural unique id. For example, a NIC id in Vitrage may be generated out of the host name + NIC name. Monasca alarm may have two separate dimensions for the host and nic. How can Vitrage understand that those two dimensions identify the resource? In other cases, Vitrage may need a resource_type dimension to uniquely identify the resource. Another question: I understood that Monasca can send alarms that originate from other monitors like Ceilometer, Prometheus etc. What are the dimensions in these cases? Monasca team, I’ll be happy to hear your opinion about these questions. If you can provide several different examples it will be very helpful. Thanks, Ifat [1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/622899