As we discussed on the last nova meeting [1], I'll create an agenda for all the topics we will have for the next vPTG by next Tuesday. For this, it would be nice if most of the topics people would like to discuss are already on the PTG etherpad before Tuesday, so please look at this etherpad and add your own topics rather sooner than later ;-) I also add a courtesy ping list item for each of the existing topics. Please add your IRC nick if you can't be around for all of the PTG time, so basically at the beginning of every PTG topic, I'd ping all the folks for it. As a reminder, I booked those time slots for the Diablo room : - *Tuesday* *13:00 UTC - 17:00 UTC* - *Wednesday 13:00 UTC - 17:00 UTC* - *Thursday 13:00 UTC - 17:00 UTC* - *Friday 13:00 UTC - 17:00 UTC* Thanks, -S [1]